Loex Exchange Public Interface Document(中文)
- official website https://www.loex.io
- API openapi.loex.io
- /open/api/market_dept Query the depth of order
- /open/api/market Query the latest trade price of all coin pairs
- /open/api/get_trades Query transaction records
- /open/api/get_allticker Query all market data
- /open/api/get_ticker Query the market of coin pair
- /open/api/get_records Query K-line data
- /open/api/notices/list Query the announcement
- /open/api/create_order Create order
- /open/api/cancel_order Cancel order
- /open/api/cancel_order_all Cancel all orders
- /open/api/all_order Query the created order
- /open/api/all_trade Query transaction records
- /open/api/new_order Query the current order
- /open/api/order_info Query the details of order
- /open/api/common/symbols Query all coin pairs
- /open/api/user/account Query the personal assets