- request method: GET
- url: https://{host}/open/api/all_order
- input parameter
entry instructions
the field names type of data instructions api_key interface key * sign signature data * symbol coin pair * time current timestamp * pageSize number of queries not required page page number not required -
curl -X GET https://{host}/open/api/all_order?api_key=1764ddfe62ab365092296ad8272df4f9\&sign=266a90452a352a1c674df2e0b18cc9e9\&time=1554184381\&symbol=mkreth\&pageSize=10\&page=1
return information
the field names type of data instructions code code 0=succeed,otherwise fail msg content suc=succeed,otherwise return to specific information -
"code": "0",
"msg": "suc",
"data": {
"count": 6,
"orderList": [{
"side": "SELL",
"total_price": "890.00000000",
"created_at": 1553855047000,
"avg_price": "89.00000000",
"countCoin": "ETH",
"source": 1,
"type": 1,
"side_msg": "sell out",
"volume": "10.00000000",
"price": "89.00000000",
"source_msg": "WEB",
"status_msg": "Partial deal",
"deal_volume": "5.00000000",
"id": 115,
"remain_volume": "5.00000000",
"baseCoin": "MKR",
"tradeList": [{
"volume": "5.00000000",
"feeCoin": "ETH",
"price": "89.00000000",
"fee": "0.00000000",
"ctime": 1553808247001,
"deal_price": "445.00000000",
"id": 52,
"type": "sell out"
"status": 3