A PHP implementation of the EAN Hotel API.
Supports all API requests and both IP and signature authentication. Internally it uses the XML request and response types.
Each of the API services are represented by a method on the HotelClient
object. Each API method takes parameters in a single array argument and returns the results as an array. The parameter names and structure match those of the API spec.
A HotelClient object is instantiated using the HotelClient::factory()
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Otg\Ean\HotelClient;
$client = HotelClient::factory([
'auth' => [
'cid' => YOUR_CID,
'apiKey' => YOUR_API_KEY,
'secret' => YOUR_API_SECRET, // optional, omit if using IP authentication
'defaults' => [
'bookingEndpoint' => 'http://dev.api.ean.com',
'generalEndpoint' => 'http://dev.api.ean.com',
'customerIpAddress' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'),
'customerUserAgent' => getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'),
$hotels = $client->getHotelList([
'destinationString' => 'Montpellier France',
'arrivalDate' => '2016-06-13',
'departureDate' => '2016-06-27',
'RoomGroup' => [
['numberOfAdults' => 2]
$rooms = $client->getRoomAvailability([
'hotelId' => $hotels['HotelList'][0]['hotelId'],
'arrivalDate' => '2016-06-13',
'departureDate' => '2016-06-27',
'RoomGroup' => [
['numberOfAdults' => 2]
$bedTypes = $rooms['Rooms'][0]['BedTypes'];
$smokingPreferences = explode(',', $rooms['Rooms'][0]['smokingPreferences']);
$reservation = $client->postReservation([
'RoomGroup' => [[
'numberOfAdults' => 2,
'firstName' => 'Test',
'lastName' => 'Test',
'bedTypeId' => key($bedTypes),
'smokingPreference' => $smokingPreferences[0],
'ReservationInfo' => [
'email' => '[email protected]',
'firstName' => 'Test',
'lastName' => 'Test',
'homePhone' => '0312345678',
'creditCardType' => 'CA',
'creditCardNumber' => '5401999999999999',
'creditCardIdentifier' => '123',
'creditCardExpirationMonth' => '12',
'creditCardExpirationYear' => '2099'
'AddressInfo' => [
'address1' => 'travelnow',
'city' => 'travelnow',
'stateProvinceCode' => 'VC',
'countryCode' => 'AU',
'postalCode' => '3000'
'hotelId' => $rooms['hotelId'],
'arrivalDate' => $rooms['arrivalDate'],
'departureDate' => $rooms['departureDate'],
'supplierType' => $rooms['Rooms'][0]['supplierType'],
'rateKey' => $rooms['Rooms'][0]['RateInfos'][0]['RoomGroup'][0]['rateKey'],
'roomTypeCode' => isset($rooms['Rooms'][0]['roomTypeCode']) ? $rooms['Rooms'][0]['roomTypeCode'] : $rooms['Rooms'][0]['RoomType']['roomCode'],
'rateCode' => $rooms['Rooms'][0]['rateCode'],
'chargeableRate' => $rooms['Rooms'][0]['RateInfos'][0]['ChargeableRateInfo']['total'],
'currencyCode' => $rooms['Rooms'][0]['RateInfos'][0]['ChargeableRateInfo']['currencyCode']
$result = $client->getRoomCancellation([
'itineraryId' => $reservation['itineraryId'],
'email' => '[email protected]',
'confirmationNumber' => $reservation['confirmationNumbers'][0]
if (isset($result['cancellationNumber'])) {
printf("Room cancelled: %s", $result['cancellationNumber']);
$ composer require onlinetravelgroup/ean-client
- PHP 5.4
- php5-curl (suggested, unless you want to use a custom adapter)
Pull requests are welcome. Just be sure to follow the PSR-1/2 coding standards and don't make a mess.
Commit messages should follow the advice at http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html
Messy commits should be squashed until it looks like it was programmed perfectly the first time. This does not necessarily mean a single commit.
Diffs should be clean. This means the only lines with changes should be those relevant to the commit message.
$ phpunit
Guzzle does most of the heavy lifting. This project is really just an elaborate Guzzle Services config.