- Parse as database
- PHP for back-end codes and PHP Composer to install PHP Packages
- npm for bower installation
- Bower to install Javascript packages
You check out the working demo here @ workfrom.xyz.
$ composer.phar install && bower install
Setup your Parse account, create an app, and get the APP_ID, REST_KEY & MASTER_KEY from https://www.parse.com/apps/{your-app-namespace}/edit#keys.
Open config.php
and replace the values with your key.
const APP_ID = 'PARSE_APP_ID';
You must be using PHP 5.4.0 and up to use the PHP Built-In development server
$ cd /path-to/wfh-asia
$ php -S localhost:8000
You can host the code to any server as long as you meet the requirements.
I just added "approved" column under "Reasons" collection. This is a boolean type, when you edit a row in Parse there's gonna be a dropdown for "true" or "false". Approving reason has never been that easy.
- Parse as database
- Parse CLI to host back-end in Parse Cloud
- npm for bower installation
- Bower to install Javascript packages
Open cloudcode/config/global.json
and change the applicationId
and masterKey
$ cd /path-to/wfh-asia/cloudcode/public
$ bower install && parse deploy