New function: refreshDataSet()
fills the dataset up with new conversions (this function is blocking once started) -
New function: getDataSetStatus()
returns 'true' when the whole dataset has been filled up with conversions after a reset/restart -
New function: getNewCalibration(float known_mass)
returns and sets a new calibration value (calFactor) based on a known mass input -
New function: getSignalTimeoutFlag()
returns 'true' if it takes longer time then 'SIGNAL_TIMEOUT' for the dout pin to go low after a new conversion is started -
New function: start(unsigned int t, bool dotare)
start with or without tare -
New function: startMultiple(unsigned int t, bool dotare)
start with or without tare -
Calibration example sketch improvements:
Tare offset is now initiated as a seperate step before you place the known mass
New function getNewCalibration(float known_mass) implemented
New function refreshDataSet() implemented
A simplified description of the calibration procedure now included on top -
Interrupt example sketch improvements:
Some changes in ISR and loop() -
All example sketches:
- Method for calling functions 'getData()' and 'update()' changed:
Set variable 'serialPrintInterval' to '0' to print any new data imidiately, or set a higher value to slow down the terminal print activity - EEPROM ESP specifics changed from #if defined(ESP8266) to #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
- I/O pins declared before constructor, HX711_dout/HX711_sck
- Serial bitrate changed to 57600
- There are also some other minor changes and cleaning, to clarefy things mostly
- Method for calling functions 'getData()' and 'update()' changed: