The goal of the project was to build a working weboage based on a goal image provided.
All code was written using Visual Studio Code (VScode)
Fonts, images and colors were provided in the instructions.
Icons were obtained from and were imported by linking the html to the font library using a tag in the head
Media queries were provided at page width of 900px for tablet and mobile
A meta tag was included in the head of the page to set the viewport of the page equal to its width at a scale of 1:1 to aid media queries
Rudimental javascript as implemented using a seperate js file (main.js) and loaded using the <script></script> tag, although the actual functions written were preeeety awful. The js functions controlled the buttons and scrolling of the favourites section as well as the subscribe button alert.
The index.html, style,css, fonts folder and images folder must be installed in the same directory for the page to run. The font files must be contained in the fonts folder, and the images must be contined in the images folder.