Creates a system so each student can build their own web site. This includes the following pieces:
- An rsync daemon configuration so that each student can transfer data to their directory, and only their directory.
- A node app that serves all subdomains. The subdomain determines which student's app is being served.
An rsyncd.conf file that looks something like:
port = 1337
log file = /home/ubuntu/rsync.log
path = /home/ubuntu/www/oliver
auth users = oliver
secrets file = /home/ubuntu/rsync.users
use chroot = false
read only = false
Here the port an log file are set globally. Then we have one "module" for each user. In the above, the only user is "oliver". The "auth users" section of that module says only the user "oliver" is allowed. Even though "use chroot" is false, rsync will enforce that the user can't write to anything above the "path" specified in the module (the "use chroot" indicates that as an extra precausion we should run as root and actually chroot). The "secrets file" indicates a list of user:password pairs (one per line) that are used for authentication.
Given this, we can start rsync like:
rsync --daemon --config=rsyncd.conf
The rest of the setup is a very simple node app that uses the swig template system but dispatches based on the subdomain. That code should be fairly self-explanitory.