Manage config across multiple workstations using chezmoi
Before running chezmoi
on MacOS install xcode command line tools.
$ xcode-select --install
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsLS"
Then setup variables that chezmoi will need for rendering templates. In this setup there are few params for gitconfig and gpg key id, this need to be generated or imported before running chezmoi apply
github ssh keys need to be setup before running chezmoi init
command. Generate new or import from another location before proceeding.
chezmoi init
requires all values used in the .gitconfig template to be set. One of them is gpg key for commits signing which does not exist on a clean machine before necessary tools are installed. It can be set to a temp value and later edited manually.
$ chezmoi edit-config # see below, all values need to be filled before running next command
$ chezmoi init [email protected]:<USER>/dotfiles.git
$ chezmoi apply -v
Using variables for personal information or settings that are different between workstations.
Check what chezmoi
can gather:
chezmoi data
These values can be automatically templated, but additional data can be supplied if needed by using:
chezmoi edit-config
and add required values, e.g. for .gitconfig:
name = "value"
email = "value"
signingkey = "temp-value"
Note that values must be quoted.
Use the following command to generate template (this is not needed on the new machine or when using existing template):
chezmoi add -T --autotemplate ~/.gitconfig
This will create dot_gitconfig.tmpl
file in chezmoi
Currently not covered by install script:
- Visual Studio Code use "Settings Sync" extention to sync complete setup on another machine. the plugin did not port all setting smoothly, manual fixes:
- Docker
- SSH key management (needed before chezmoi init to pull repo)
- GPG key management
- Vim config managed in separate repo dotvim