Script for downloading entire albums at once from, as opposite to song-by-song manual downloading. Downloaded files are stored in 'getalb/music/' directory. Script works with Python 2.7. Script uses BeautifulSoup library for parsing html pages.
0.1.0 - Initial release.
0.2.0 - Almost all code have been refactored according to PEP 8.
0.2.1 - Fixed crash with no URL passed as input.
0.2.2 - Fixed savind albums to cwd. Albums are saved to 'getalb/music/' dir irrespective from cwd.
0.2.3 - Fixed missing '/music' dir.
0.2.4 - Added function unify_album_name for deleting OS reserved characters. Improved code readability.
0.2.5 - Added artist folder.
Copyright (c) 2015 Oleg Esenkov. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).