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=== Rearrange Order Items for WooCommerce ===
Contributors: ole1986
Tags:  woocommerce, rearrange, sort, order items, orders
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 6.7
Stable tag: trunk
License: MIT

Allow rearrange WooCommerce order items from the admin backend

== Description ==

The goal of the plugi is to allow reordering the order items from an incomming WooCommerce order from the admin backend.
It simple populates two additional buttons for each order item with arrow to move the item upwards/downwards

Further details see the Screenshot


== Installation ==

* Search for "wc-orderitem-rearrange" in the "Plugins -> Install" register
* Install and active the plugin

== Screenshots ==

1. WC Order Item Rearrange buttons for every order item

== License ==


== Changelog ==

Release notes are provided by the [Github project page](