AdafruitIO is no longer required and added new sensors. GPS removed due to conflicts.
In this version, you will need the following sensors:
- Garmin LIDAR Lite v4 - This requires separate 5v power.
- Adafruit LTR390 - Ultra Violet light sensor
MAKE SURE you create appropriate directories on your PyPortal - bmp files go in "images", bdf files in "fonts", and wav files in "sounds" The ONLY sound and image files that go in the root directory are pyportal_startup.bmp and pyportal_startup.wav
For you physics geeks, I've included in the Fonts directory a version of BebasNeue-Regular-26.bdf with Greek letters (BebasNeue-greek-Regular-26.bdf) and just a Greek Font (Greek03-Regular-25.bdf). You can make this any font name you want within the code and use it for the main body text. The Greek03-Regular-25.bdf is big enough for the top buttons.
If you have issues with connecting to the GPS satelites (Fix Quality: 0), just use the forked version with GPS removed. On that fork, there is a bitmap file you need to add (backgraph-planet.bmp), but other than that, it's a duplicate of this repository.