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Deep Reinforcement Learning from Human Preferences


The goals of the original version of this codebase were to reproduce successful training of DRLHP with both synthetic and human preferences on Pong, Enduro, and a novel moving dot environment, and its API was primarily designed for use in that small set of reproduction cases. The goals of the refactor were:

  • To change the API from a single file with fixed options and environments into a more modular design that can be plugged into other experimental code

  • To add support for arbitrary pixel-based environments of varying sizes and numbers of channels

  • To allow for easier integration with a wider range of up-to-date RL implementations, rather than having a specific version of A2C implemented within the codebase

  • To make it easy to load pre-trained policies (either from RL or imitation) to warm-start the training process, in addition to starting a policy from scratch


To these ends, the essential elements of DRLHP were refactored to exist on a gym-style Env Wrapper. This wrapper:

  • Manages creating subprocesses for both asynchronous reward predictor training and asynchronous collection of preferences over pairs of segments

  • Stores observations that are passed back from the underlying environment, concatenating them into segments. When segments reach a specified length, they are passed in a pipe to the subprocess responsible for constructing pairs of segments and requesting preferences

  • Can either return the underlying env reward or the reward given by the reward predictor, which is loaded and updated throughout the course of reward predictor training

  • Can be used with any gym-compatible RL algorithm, which can be passed the reward-predictor reward without needing to be specially modified


This repo is structured as a Python package, and can be installed by running

python install

If you wish to develop the package, you may wish to install it in editable mode using -e and install some optional packages with the dev extras:

pip install -e .[dev]

Tests can be run with

pytest tests/

Human Preferences GUI

When training with human rather than synthetic preferences, you'll see two windows: a larger one showing a pair of examples of agent behaviour, and another smaller window showing the last full episode that the agent played (so you can see how qualitative behaviour is changing). Enter 'L' in the terminal to indicate that you prefer the left example; 'R' to indicate you prefer the right example; 'E' to indicate you prefer them both equally; and press enter if the two clips are incomparable.


Once the drlhp package is installed, you can import the env wrapper (the main entry point to the algorithm) using: from drlhp import HumanPreferencesEnvWrapper

To construct an DRLHP environment, call the wrapper with your chosen underlying environment as an argument. This implementation of DRLHP is designed to work with pixel observations, so the environment you choose to wrap should either (1) return pixels as observations, or (2) return an observation that can be reduced to pixels (e.g. a dict space that can be indexed into). If your environment falls into the latter bucket, you can use obs_transform_func to specify a function to map between your observation and pixels.

The EnvWrapper in a number of different arguments, and has been designed to support a number of different workflows. Here is a (non-exhaustive!) set of examples of those workflows.

Default - Collecting human preferences & training reward

wrapped_env = HumanPreferencesEnvWrapper(env, 

The above code will create an environment that will spin off both preference acquisition and reward training processes, and will switch to returning the predicted reward as environment reward after 10 training steps of the reward model. Synthetic preferences is set to True by default, but here we're setting it to False to indicate a desire to run the PrefInterface GUI.

Collecting preferences, but not training reward

wrapped_env = HumanPreferencesEnvWrapper(env, 

This workflow can be useful if you want to batch-collect preferences to be saved out and used in training later. When you want to save out preferences to a file, you can call wrapped_env.save_prefs(). By default, preferences will be saved to train.pkl.gz and val.pkl.gz within log_dir

Training reward from pre-collected preferences

wrapped_env = HumanPreferencesEnvWrapper(env, 

This will load a preferences database out of prefs_dir and use it to train a reward model, which will save a checkpoint every 10 training steps to <log_dir>/reward_predictor_checkpoints/reward_predictor.ckpt. By default, log_dir is set to drlhp_logs.

Using a pretrained reward model without additional training

wrapped_env = HumanPreferencesEnvWrapper(env, 

To confirm that the env is using the trained reward model rather than the underlying env, check that the using_reward_from_predictor flag is set to True. If at some point you want to switch back to underlying environment reward (for example, for evaluation purposes), you can call wrapped_env.switch_to_true_reward() to make the switch, and wrapped_env.switch_to_predicted_reward()


Other than the environment wrapper itself, there are three main components:

Data Flow

Segments are built up through accumulation of environment observation frames returned from the underlying environment, which are concatenated into segments once they reach segment_length. When a segment is finalized, it is sent to the PrefInterface (via a multiprocessing queue).

The PrefInterface combines pairs of segments together, and solicits a preference ranking between them, either by using synthetic preferences, or by rendering each segment (a set of image frames) as a video clip to be shown to the user. After it shows the clip to the user, it asks through a command-line interface which clip of each pair shows more of the kind of behaviour the user wants, looping the video until it gets a response.

Preference labels are sent to a PrefDB (either train or validation) by means of the PrefBuffer, which manages directing each preference to one DB Or the other. The preferences within the PrefDBs are then used to train a neural network reward predictor to assign a high scalar reward to preferred segments,

That network can then be used to predict rewards for future video clips by feeding the clip in, running a forward pass to calculate the "how much the user likes this clip" value, then normalising the result to have zero mean and constant variance across time.

This normalised value is then used returned as a reward signal, which is passed back by the environment


This code spawns two different subprocesses, other than the master process:

  • One for running the preference interface to query the user for preference.
  • One for training the reward predictor

These processes communicate via a set of queues

  • seg_pipe, which sends segments to the PrefInterface
  • pref_pipe, which sends (segment, preference label) pairs from the PrefInterface to be added to the PrefDB

Some tricky aspects to this:

  • Video clips must be sent from the environment wrapper to the process asking for preferences using a small queue; clips are dropped if the queue is full. The preference interface then just gets as many clips as it can from the queue in 0.5 seconds, in between asking about each pair of clips. (Pairs to show the user are selected from the clip database internal to the preference interface into which clips from the queue are stored.)
  • Preferences must be sent from the preference interface to the PrefDB which feeds the reward predictor using a queue. Preferences should never be dropped, though, so the preference interface blocks until the preference can be added to the queue, and the reward predictor training process runs a background thread which constantly receives from the queue, storing preference in the reward predictor process's internal database.

Changes to the paper's setup

For the environments originally tested in the reproduction, it turned out to be possible to reach the milestones in the results section above even without implementing a number of features described in the original paper.

  • For regularisation of the reward predictor network, the paper uses dropout, batchnorm and an adaptive L2 regularisation scheme. Here, we only use dropout. (Batchnorm is also supported. L2 regularisation is not implemented.)
  • In the paper's setup, the rate at which preferences are requested is gradually reduced over time. We just ask for preferences at a constant rate.
  • The paper selects video clips to show the user based on predicted reward uncertainty among an ensemble of reward predictors. Early experiments suggested a higher chance of successful training by just selecting video clips randomly (also noted by the paper in some situations), so we don't do any ensembling. (Ensembling code is implemented in, but we always operate with only a single-member ensemble, and just chooses segments randomly.)
  • The preference for each pair of video clips is calculated based on a softmax over the predicted latent reward values for each clip. In the paper, "Rather than applying a softmax directly...we assume there is a 10% chance that the human responds uniformly at random. Conceptually this adjustment is needed because human raters have a constant probability of making an error, which doesn’t decay to 0 as the difference in reward difference becomes extreme." I wasn't sure how to implement this - at least, I couldn't see a way to implement it that would actually affect the gradients - so we just do the softmax directly.


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