Boring Chat is a multi-threaded, TUI TCP client/server program for communication between Unix-like systems such as Linux, BSD etc. This program was written to scratch the itch to apply my newly gained networking knowledge, thus it's a learning activity, but can be useful too.
Its only external dependency is ncurses, which is available on all major distributions.
Install ncurses. On Fedora, run:
sudo dnf install ncurses For other distributions, please refer to the appropriate guide.
Clone the repository: hit the "clone" button above, copy the link, then do:
cd /wherever/on/your/system
git clone [link you copied]
and hit ENTER
To build the server, type:
To run it, type:
To build the client, type:
make client
To run it, type:
./client [address of machine]
for example:
./client localhost
The above will run correctly if the server is running on the same machine.
There are many ways to contribute:
come up with interesting server commands
let user specify the port (currently, it is hardcoded to 9034)
improve that eye-sore of a UI
Improve this README file