A generator for siteswap graphs! Can input both a number of objects and a throw height, and also just a siteswap and it’ll generate the graphviz code needed to make that graph!
It’s also only 20 lines or so long, so that’s neat.
Here’s some examples for graphs of all patterns for a given number of balls:
It can produce tables showing the states any given siteswap goes through. For example 97531 and 714…
9|xxxx____x 7|xxx___xx_ 5|xx__xxx__ 3|x_xxxx___ 1|xxxxx____ 7|x_xx__x 1|xxx__x_ 4|xx_xx__
As well as graphs of those (here, 97531 and 66671777161)! Prime siteswaps will be a loop with no repeating states, whereas composite siteswaps will have several linking nodes and subloops showing the smaller patterns that make them up.