Arctic Tracker is an APRS tracker platform based on the Teensy 3.2 MCU module, a SR_FRS_1W VHF transceiver module and a ESP8266 WIFI module (ESP-12) with NodeMCU. The ESP module will function as a WIFI interface, a webserver and possibly a storage for data files. A small display and a PA module will also be condidered.
See for more info about this project.
This repository contains the LUA scripts (and CSS/HTML code) to be uploaded to the WIFI module. The features implemented include:
- HTTP server (based on nodemcu-httpserver by Marcos Kirsch).
- Establish connection to a WIFI access point. It queries the Teensy for info about configured APs. It will also act as a AP.
- Send commands to the teensy over the serial line, mainly to read or write settings.
- Receive commands from the Teensy over the serial line...