The cloud architecture for the checkpoint consists of an Amazon EC2 instance which runs the web server as well as the tools needed for the instrumentation and collection of metrics. Additionally, a load balancer and an auto-scaling group are in use, which, for now, are created from standard Amazon services and have not been enhanced with their own code. As MSS we currently use a simple log file.
The load balancer sends the incoming requests to port 8000 where we run our webserver. The auto scaler spawn instances from an AMI image. When the CPU utilization is above 50% for a minute a new instance is launched, and when the utilization is below 20% one instance is terminated. The instances use 300 seconds to warm up.
use "source XXX" instead of "./ XXX" to avoid mistakes with the environment variables"
chmod +x
source configure
source compile
source WebServer
In case of Adress already in use
sudo lsof -i:8000
sudo kill <pid>
To test DynamoDB connection
java awsclient.AmazonDynamoDBSample
Check your DynamoDB console, you should now have a table with an item.