DiviRpc is a .NET client library to connect to the Divi Project daemon.
Use the IDiviRpc interface to create a new DiviRpcClient with your RPC connection details:
IDiviRpcClient divi = new DiviRpcClient(new RpcConnection()
Username = "",
Password = "",
Url = ""
Use the DiviRpc client to get info from the daemon
var getinfo = await divi.GetInfo();
I hope to include most of these, but only the ones with ✅ have been done so far.
- getbestblockhash ✅
- getblock ✅
- getblockchaininfo ✅
- getblockcount ✅
- getblockhash ✅
- getblockheader ✅
- getchaintips ✅
- getdifficulty ✅
- getmempoolinfo
- getrawmempool
- gettxout ✅
- gettxoutsetinfo ✅
- verifychain ✅
- getinfo ✅
- help
- stop
- addnode
- getaddednodeinfo
- getconnectioncount
- getnettotals
- getnetworkinfo
- getpeerinfo
- ping
- allocatefunds
- fundmasternode
- startmasternode
- getmasternodecount
- getmasternodestatus
- getmasternodewinners
- listmasternodes ✅
- masternodeconnect
- mnsync
- spork
- createmultisig
- estimatefee
- estimatepriority
- estimatesmartfee
- estimatesmartpriority
- validateaddress
- mirroraddress
- verifymessage
- addmultisigaddress
- autocombinerewards
- backupwallet
- bip38decrypt
- bip38encrypt
- dumpprivkey
- dumpwallet
- getaccount
- getaccountaddress
- getaddressesbyaccount
- getbalance
- getnewaddress
- getrawchangeaddress
- getreceivedbyaccount ✅
- getreceivedbyaddress
- getstakesplitthreshold
- getstakingstatus ✅
- gettransaction
- getunconfirmedbalance
- getwalletinfo ✅
- importaddress
- importprivkey
- importwallet
- keypoolrefill
- listaccounts ✅
- listaddressgroupings ✅
- listlockunspent
- listreceivedbyaccount
- listreceivedbyaddress
- listsinceblock
- listtransactions ✅
- listunspent ✅
- lockunspent
- sendfrom
- sendmany
- sendtoaddress
- setaccount
- settxfee
- signmessage
- walletlock
- walletpassphrase
- walletpassphrasechange