This is a minimal standalone version of the 3D VIsualization of ethereum contract of OCN coin example
- Copy the content of this folder to your project.
Type to run:
npm install
cd ./...
npm install --save
npm install --save [email protected]
react-native upgrade
npm install --save 'react@^15'.
npm install mapbox-gl --save
npm install -g install-peerdeps
npm install -g truffle
truffle unbox webpack
truffle develop
npm run dev
truffle test
truffle compile
truffle migrate
truffle migrate --network ropsten
cd /ocn-coin/APP/examples/3d-heatmap/
export MapboxAccessToken={pk.eyJ1IjoiY3lyaWxsdXR0ZXJvZHQiLCJhIjoiY2pjcWtxcGRoMGYybTJybzJkbjVzeGdzdCJ9.fbcG6ubIoQnRypab9qUQCQ} && npm start
Sample data is stored in [as a long and lat and eventually moved to a JSON file that count fishes, pH, Oxidation and temprature]