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7.2.0: Edit Task usability on mobile, API improvements and Obsidian Tasks Custom Icons project

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@github-actions github-actions released this 17 May 18:27

What's Changed

🌟 Most Notable

Please quit and restart Obsidian after updating the plugin. Thank you.

New features

Bug fixes

  • Align the look of Priority section in task modal with date sections by @ilandikov in #2794
  • Remove access keys mentions when access key setting is disabled by @ilandikov in #2796


Phil Ricketts - @replete - created a lovely CSS mechanism for compact, monochrome Tasks emojis, and shared it in Discussion #1965.

As Phil is no longer using this, we have transferred it over to the obsidian-tasks-group organisation, in the new location: obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks-custom-icons. Many thanks Phil for all the work on this.

We are now looking for someone with design experience to help add support for some extra emojies. Contact @claremacrae if you would like to know more.

Coming soon...

Auto-suggest for task dependencies is coming soon, with just a little more polishing before release.

Other changes

Here are the other user-visible changes.

πŸ“– Documentation

  • docs: fix typo in Task by @kgeis in #2792
  • docs: Update snippets and examples in markdown by @github-actions in #2802
  • contrib: Document the source-code directory structure by @claremacrae in #2800

πŸ› οΈ Behind the scenes

Improvements made to new features prior to their release:

Other changes:

New Contributors

Full Changelog (including changes too small to note above, and that do not affect the behaviour of the plugin itself):

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