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Pascal Hartig edited this page Apr 11, 2013 · 3 revisions


Update a file containing HTML markup with new content, either appending, prepending or replacing content matching a particular selector

  • html - a string containing HTML markup
  • tagName - a valid CSS selector
  • content - the inline content to update your selector with
  • mode - a(ppend), p(repend), r(eplace), d(elete)


Insert specific content as the last child of each element matched by the tagName selector. Returns a string.


Insert specific content as the first child of each element matched by the tagName selector. Returns a string.


Insert specific content as the last child of each element matched by the tagName selector. Writes to file.


Insert specific content as the first child of each element matched by the tagName selector. Writes to file.


Generate a usemin-handler block.

  • blockType - js, css
  • optimizedPath - the final file to build
  • filesBlock - a string containing populated script/style tags ready to be injected into a usemin block.
  • searchPath - an alternate search path to look in for files

Returns the new block.


Append files, specifying the optimized path and generating the necessary usemin blocks to be used for the build process.

  • htmlOrOptions - string to append the files to or an object of this and the remaining options
  • fileType - js (appends to the end of 'body'), css (appends to the end of 'head')
  • optimizedPath - the final file to build
  • sourceFileList - the list of files to be appended. We check against the fileType to ensure the correct tags are wrapped around them and the right usemin blocks generated.
  • attrs - A Hash of html attributes to generate along the generated script / link tags
  • searchPath - an alternate path to look in for files

Returns updated content.


Computes a given Hash object of attributes into its HTML representation

  • attrs - Hash object of attributes to generate

Returns the generated string of attributes.


Scripts alias to appendFiles


Simple script removal


Append a directory of scripts


Append a directory of stylesheets

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