- discovery eureka server
- zuul gateway server
- docker images are build via dockerfile-maven-plugin
- jms activemq server
- micro services talk via RestTemplate
- micro services talk via JmsTemplate
To use dockerfile-maven-plugin you must add your docker server server to .m2/setting.xml under the servers tag:
<username><user id></username>
, and in your pom add these properties:
and the
Unpack the jar to prepare for the dependencies to be added separately to the docker image.
Build the docker image
, <useMavenSettingsForAuth>
to use the server credentials in .m2/setting.xml
Also add the Dockerfile.
Docker build and upload is now part of maven lifecycle
mvn deploy
, does
- build the jar
- unpack the jar (to add the dependencies separately to the docker image)
- build the docker image
- upload the docker image to the docker repository server, in this case docker.io
To run the image named my-docker-id/my-image:0.0.1 in a local docker container, naming the container my-image-container and open port 8080
docker run --name my-image-container -p 8080:8080 -d my-docker-id/my-image:0.0.1