I wrote this game to get me back in touch with jQuery and some front end logic I was feeling a little rusty with. Most of the apps I've made recenly have been CRUD web apps that haven't really used much logic, beyond the routing, so I wanted to write something with some simple problems to solve.
- languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- framework: Bootstrap
- library: jQuery
- other: Git
I tried to keep my functions really modular, like the win conditions, so I kept the functions short and refered to them in other functions. I also worked on putting more comments in my HTML, as I have a tendency not to, but I'm training to train myself to comment more.
Here's a sample of the modular code.
function endRace() {
alert("Times Up!");
function generateScore() {
var tempScore = $(".player").css("left");
tempScore = tempScore.slice(0, -2);
tempScore = parseInt(tempScore) * 10;
var winMessage = "";
function generateWinMessage() {
currentScore = playerInfo[0].score[0];
if (currentScore > 3000 ){
winMessage = "Holy nebula, " + playerInfo[0].name + "!!!! You're amazing!!!"
}else if(currentScore > 1000){
winMessage = "You're pretty good, " + playerInfo[0].name + "!"
winMessage = "Hmmm, you definetley need to keep playing this game. Keep at it " + playerInfo[0].name + "!"
function winDisplay() {
var scoreMessage = currentScore + " Miles Traveled"
I'm going to keep adding to this game.
- I want to add the possibility of having up to 4 players, so individuals can play each other locally, and keep high scores up on screen for others to see.
- I also then want to add a database and a server and let people play online and have their scores and avatars saved.
- I will also increase the size of the wordbank.