Welcome to GamesCrafters Robotics!
This is our official codebase for OXSI, the GamesCrafters Robot!
The objective of this project is to utilize the already existing GamesmanUNI interface to interact physically with games. Using the system with perfect-play information, we encode a robot to play any game perfectly with a human. This project utilizes Vision, Inverse Kinematics, Control, and Path Planning, to precisely pick-and-place pieces on a game board.
The robot
We are using the mycobot280pi robot from Elephant Robotics.
List of supported games:
Connect-4 (In progress)
Fox-and-Hounds (In progress)
Run the following commands, each in a seperate terminal.
The default serial port name of mycobot 280-Pi version is "/dev/ttyAMA0", and the baud rate is 1000000.
rosrun mycobot_280pi follow_display_gripper.py _port:=/dev/ttyAMA0 _baud:=1000000
Launch RViz to visualize current state of the robot
roslaunch mycobot_280pi mycobot_follow_gripper.launch