AllTails provides pet owners with functionality to book a pet sitter for a wide range of pet types and engage with other pet owners in their community.
- Join or host a pet event in your area
- Post about a topic you’d like to discuss with other pet owners
- Post about a petcare service needed / offered
- Book a service (i.e., grooming, walking, boarding)
- Redux
- React
- Express.js
- Node
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku
Instructions for installation.
Step 1 - Clone the repo by posting the following in your terminal:
git clone
cd capstone
Step 2 - Install dependencies:
npm install
npm install react react-dom
npm install redux react-redux
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
npm install @mui/icons-material
npm install express
Install PostgreSQL by downloading the installer from the PostgreSQL official website. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
After installation, you can use the psql
command-line tool to interact with your PostgreSQL server.
Install the Heroku CLI (Command Line Interface). You can download it from the Heroku official website. Follow the instructions for your OS to log in.
After that, you can use the CLI to deploy your app by pushing it to a Heroku Git repository.
Step 3 - Create .env file and include the following:
PORT = your_port
1 - Starting the app
npm run dev
Npm run client:dev
Npm run server:dev
Npm run seed
2 - Logging in
Open the site link and navigate to > My Account > Login > Input First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Address, Password > Sign In
3 - Signing up
Open the site link and navigate to > My Account > Register > Input Email and Password > Sign Up
4 - Demo Account
Open the site link and navigate to > My Account > Demo Login (below Sign In)
Documentation for API
Base URL:
API_URL = import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL || "http://localhost:8080/api"
1 - Register as an Owner
- URL:
- Description: Creates a new owner account.
- Request Body:
"fname": "John",
"lname": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "123 Main St",
"phone": "123-456-7890",
"password": "Password123!"
- Response (Success):
"message": "Owner registered successfully",
"owner": {
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]"
- Response (Error):
"error": "Email already in use"
2 - Login as an Owner
- URL:
- Description: Authenticates an owner and returns a JWT token.
- Request Body:
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "Password123!"
- Response (Success):
"token": "jwt-token-here",
"owner": {
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]"
- Response (Error):
"error": "Invalid credentials"
3 - Add Pet
- URL:
- Description: Adds a new pet to the owner's account.
- Request Body:
name: "Buddy",
age: 3,
gender: "Male",
breed: "Golden Retriever",
animalType: "Dog",
weight: 30,
file: null,
sterile: true,
favoriteToy: "Tennis Ball",
favoriteTreat: "Peanut Butter",
personality: "Playful and friendly",
ownerId: "12345"
- Response (Success):
"message": "Pet added successfully",
"pet": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Buddy"
4 - Register Petsitter
- URL:
- Description: Creates a new petsitter account.
- Request Body:
"name": "Jane",
"age": "2",
"gender": "female",
"address": "456 Park Ave",
"breed": "GSP",
"animalType": "dog",
"weight": "100 lbs",
"file": "0000011010010101010101010101",
"sterile": "Yes",
"favoriteToy": "Bone",
"favoriteTreat": "Bacon",
"personality": "crazy gal!",
"ownerId": "3"
5 - Login as a Petsitter
- URL:
- Description: Authenticates a petsitter and returns a JWT token.
- Request Body:
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "Password123!"
- Response (Success):
"token": "jwt-token-here",
"petsitter": {
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]"
6 - Create Comment
- URL:
- Description: Creates a new comment on a post.
- Request Body:
"postid": 1,
"content": "I am interested!",
"ownerid": 1,
"petsitterid": 2
7 - Create Post
- URL:
- Description: Creates a new post.
- Request Body:
"title": "Pet Sitting Offer",
"content": "Available for pet sitting in NYC",
"likes": 0,
"ownerid": 1,
"petsitterid": 2
1 - Fetch Owner Profile
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves the authenticated owner's profile.
- Headers:
- Authorization: Bearer <INSERT_JWT_TOKEN>
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"fname": "John",
"lname": "Doe",
"address": "123 Main St",
"phone": "123-456-7890",
- Response (Error):
"error": "Please log in or create an account!"
2 - Get Pet by ID
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves a specific pet by its ID.
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"name": "Miss Thang",
"animalType": "Cat",
"breed": "Tabby",
"age": "3",
3 - Get Pets by Owner ID
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves all pets belonging to a specific owner.
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"name": "Buddy",
"age": 3,
"breed": "Golden Retriever"
"id": 2,
"name": "Max",
"age": 5,
"breed": "Labrador"
4 - Fetch Petsitter Profile
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves the authenticated petsitter's profile.
- Header:
- Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Header:
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"fname": "Samuel",
"lname": "Jackson",
"address": "Sactown, CA",
"phone": "916-432-7811",
5 - Fetch Petsitter Availabilities
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves a list of available petsitters.
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"fname": "Samuel",
"lname": "Jackson",
"dogs": true,
"cats": true,
"hourlyCost": 15,
"id": 2,
"fname": "Bea",
"lname": "Joe",
"dogs": true,
"cats": false,
"hourlyCost": 22,
6 - Get All Posts
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves all posts.
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"title": "Welcome to the Pet Lovers Community!",
"content": "We're thrilled to welcome you...",
"likes": 100,
"id": 2,
"title": "Tips for a Healthy Cat Diet",
"content": "Here are some tips to ensure...",
"likes": 12,
7 - Fetch Orders by Owner ID
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves all orders for a specific owner.
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"service_type": "Walk",
"start_date": "10/10/2024",
"price": "$4200",
"id": 2,
"service_type": "Groom",
"start_date": "10/11/2024",
"price": "$9001",
8 - Get Petsitter by ID
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves a specific petsitter by their ID.
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"fname": "Samuel",
"lname": "Jackson",
"address": "Sactown, CA",
"dogs": true,
"cats": true,
9 - Get Owner by ID
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves a specific owner by their ID.
- Response (Success):
"id": 1,
"fname": "John",
"lname": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "123 Main St",
"phone": "123-456-7890",
1 - Delete Post
- URL:
- Description: Deletes a specific post.
- Response (Success):
"message": "Post deleted successfully."
JWT Tokens are required for protected endpoints such as fetching user profiles, available petsitters, etc. Include the JWT token in the Authorization header of the request as follows:
Authorization: Bearer <INSERT_JWT_TOKEN>
Production URL:
Deployment Instructions: See Installation > POSTGRESQL > HEROKU
- Testing: Implement tests to ensure the site is performing as expected within each component.
- API Error Handling: Implement more thorough error handling for all API calls. Currently, error responses are only created for a subset of API calls.
- Data Formatting: Standardize all data formatting to use camelCase. Some fields are still using snake_case.
- Logout Confirmation: Add a confirmation page to confirm successful logout and improve the user experience.
- HTML Optimization: Refactor HTML to replace IDs with classes for improved scalability and maintainability.
- Redux Implementation: Expand the use of Redux throughout the entire application; currently, it is only implemented in the booking flow.
- Booking Form:
- Efficiency - Update timing to use epoch time on both the client and server side so that no format conversion is required.
- Efficiency - Query the database based on specific dates and times vs. fetching all petsitters, storing that information in memory, and add then rendering available petsitters.
- UX
- Filter by service type
- Implement more boundaries around inputs for booking (i.e., time limit).
- Unit
- Test that user cannot input invalid dates or times (i.e., training sessions <= 5 hours, grooming <= 2 hours)
- Date/time/etc filters update petsitter list appropriately
- State updates successfully when user fills out booking form
- UI
- Render date / time / animal type input fields
- Applies filter successfully to render the appropriate subset of petsitters
- Error handling when no petsitters available or API call fails
- Unit
- Known Issues:
- Storing user information in local storage - in some areas, user information is stored as an object but it needs to be converted to a string to be stored. When retrieving the user info, it needs to be parsed back into an object.
- Image uploading on events page needs to be fixed.
The project was a collaborative effort across five web development engineers as a part of their coding bootcamp final Capstone project.
- Ryan Nugent
- Monica Bobadilla
- Roy Badell
- Khiry Maynard
- Jordan Munioz