Repository associated to the french MOOC : Développez des applications Android connectées
- Mywelcomemachine (Chapter I.2): a simple first "Hello world" application
- JourNuit (Chapter I.3): a simple app showing some basics about GUI
- Macalculatrice (Chapter I.4): a solution for the first practical work of the course
- Activitydemonstration (Chapter I.5): a simple app showing how to launch an activity with or without result.
- CustomUI (Chapter II.1): a short example of making a custom user interface
- Morpion (Chapter II.2): a full example of a game using SeekBar, Intents, custom UI and OnTouch
- Sensorsviewer (Chapter II.3): App used to capture sensor values in videos
- Niveauaeau (Chapter II.3): app showing the horizontality of the device
- Ousuisje (Chapter II.4): GPS demonstration