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Vy Terraform Provider

A provider for custom integrations and services at Vy!

We use this to interact with our central Cognito User pool and handling deployment versions for artifacts uploaded to S3 or ECR. You can find more info and documentation about the provider in the terraform registry!

Provider setup

Start by adding this provider to your configuration:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    vy = {
      version = "x.y.z"
      source  = "nsbno/vy"

provider "vy" {
    environment = "prod"  # current environment

Cognito Usage

To interact with the centralized Cognito User Pool, we have two kind of resources available: vy_resource_server and vy_app_client.

Resource Server

A resource server is an integration between a user pool and an API. Each resource server has custom scopes that you must activate in your app client. When you configure a resource server, your app can generate access tokens with OAuth scopes that authorize read and write operations to an API server.

Here is an example of defining custom scopes for a resource server:

resource "vy_resource_server" "this" {
    name       = "infrademo-demo"
    identifier = ""

    scopes = [
            name        = "read"
            description = "Allow clients to read data"

App Clients

App clients are the user pool authentication resources attached to your app. Use an app client to configure the permitted authentication actions for an app.

There are two types of app clients: backend and frontend. After creating an app client, you can get the client id and client secret (if generated) by using the following outputs: vy_app_client.client.client_id and vy_app_client.client.client_secret. You can store these safely using SSM Parameter Store or Secrets Manager.

Backend App Client

When setting the type to backend for machine to machine (M2M) authentication, you set up OAuth 2.0 grant type: client credentials.

Client Credentials specifies that the client should get the access token from the token endpoint using a combination of client and client_secret.
resource "vy_app_client" "backend_application" {
    name = "infrademo-backend"
    type = "backend"

    scopes = [
        ""  # Refers to the resource server defined above

Frontend App Client

If you want to user authenticate with the shared Cognito user pool, you may define an app client of type frontend. This will set up a OAuth 2.0 grant type of: authorization code grant or implicit grant.

Authorization Code Grant: provides an authorization code as the response. This is more secure than the implicit grant.
Implicit Grant: specifies that the client should get the access token (and, optionally, ID token, based on scopes) directly. Usually used for Single-Page Applications (SPA) or mobile apps.

To whitelist urls for OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow, you can use callback_urls and logout_urls parameters.

For scopes, we use Open ID Connect (OIDC) Scopes. Reference page for available scopes can be found here.

data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {}

resource "vy_app_client" "client" {
  name = "${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}-${local.application_name}"
  type = "frontend"

  callback_urls   = [
    "https://${local.domain_name}/auth/callback",  # Example
  logout_urls = [
    "https://${local.domain_name}/logout",  # Example

  scopes = [

Data Sources


This data source is used to get the latest version of a given artifact from the build stage. We use this to get the latest version of a Lambda artifact in S3 or a container image from ECR.

Read more about the relation between the build stage and the deployment stage in this Confluence page.

ECS Example

data "vy_artifact_version" "server" {
  application = "infrademo-backend"  # should match the artifact name in .deployment/config.yaml

# We can now use the version in the ECS service definition
module "task" {
  source                = ""

  application_container = {
    name     = "${var.application_name}-main"
    image    = "${}/${data.vy_artifact_version.server.path}@${data.vy_artifact_version.server.version}"


Lambda Example

data "vy_artifact_version" "lambda" {
  application = "infrademo-lambda"  # should match the artifact name in .deployment/config.yaml

module "lambda" {
  source = ""

  name      = local.application_name

  artifact_type = "s3"
  artifact      = data.vy_artifact_version.lambda



This data source is used to get the information about the Cognito User Pool. The outputs can be found here. :

data "vy_cognito_info" "this" {}