Javauto is a programming language for automation. Derived from Java, it is a cross platform alternative to something like AutoIt.
- Website:
- chats: javauto-core
- Javauto Helper exists to simplify the process of finding mouse coordinates and pixel colors.
- Java Lookup helps a user find relevant documentation for a specific function.
- StackOverflow: questions with the javauto tag
- Syntax highlighting and auto completion for Javauto files in Notepad++
- If you're looking to report a bug, please use the issue tracker.
- Twitter account
#Projects Using Javauto
- adbutil - A simple Javauto (cross platform) wrapper around Android Debug Bridge to enable multi device support.
- ImperiusGeorge Client - A test automation library which drives off the UI of Android native applications.
Javauto is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0