Combine playlists between you and your friends music taste.
Full stack prototype written in Python (backend) and VueJS 3 with Typescript (frontend)
Below are instructions for how to run the full stack web app locally
Make sure the following are installed and configured correctly for use
Using tools:
- python 3.9
- nvm 1.11.1 (for node version management)
- npm 6.14.9
- node 14.15.3
- local MySQL instance with user:
- username: webadmin
- password webadmin
- In frontend-vue run 'npm install'
- In backend-python run pipenv install
Below are instructions for how to run the frontend and backend of the app
- Navigate to frontend-vue
- execute: npm run serve
- Navigate to backend-python
- execute: python
- Go to localhost:8080 in your browser
- Click login
- On your first login, it will ask for your spotfy data. Allow it. It may take a few moments to load all your data.