release 2.0.0
- Compound search mode added (a database-free search mode for MS1, LC-MS, and MSI data).
- Fragmentation of metabolites is now supported (peptide type "Other" in MS/MS mode).
- A list od neutral losses can now be defined for individual building blocks.
- The databases of blocks were updated to a new file format (the column neutral losses was added).
- Spectrum detail window can now be opened direcly from chromatogram or image window (CrossVis) by a double-click.
- Filter options improved - main window, summary table of matched peaks, and editors (building blocks, sequences/compounds, and modifications).
- Processing of Waters data improved and visualization of profile data added.
- Visualization of profile mzML/Thermo raw files added and a bug fixed during profile data processing.
- Retention time is now reported for LC-MS data.
- Minimum number of spectra can now be defined for LC-MS and MSI data.
- Minimum number of matched ions can now be defined for MS, LC-MS, and MSI data.
- New parameters added: Basic Formula Check, Advanced Formula Check, N/O Ratio Check, Isotope m/z Tolerance, and Isotope Intensity Tolerance.
- Percentage contributions of peak components (e.g. 13C, 17O) are now reported if theoretical isotopic patterns are calculated.
- Copy to clipboard function (CTRL+C) improved in spectrum detail window, main window, and summary table of matched peaks (multiple rows and columns can be selected in the table).
- Visualization of mass spectra fixed (occasional flashing).
- A bug fixed - existing items in the list of neutral losses were not editable if the settings dialog was re-opened.
- A bug was fixed when too many combinations of neutral losses were generated.
- Internal ions can now be generated for branch-cyclic peptides.
- DOI can now be used as a reference in a compound/sequence database.
- [M+Cl]- ion added in MS mode.
- Link to BBDGNC added.
- zlib compression is now supported in mzML files.
- Some other bugs were fixed and minor improvements were made.