release 1.2.748
- A custom list of neutral losses can now be defined for MS, MSI and MS/MS data.
- Details of MS/MS spectra improved - matched peaks can now be filtered using a name of a ion series or using name of a neutral loss.
- Settings dialog improved:
- "Neutral Losses" - a modifiable list added.
- "Maximum Number of Combined Losses" - settings added.
- "Report Unmatched Theoretical Peaks" - checkbox added; performance improved if unchecked.
- "m/z Error Tolerance for Deisotoping" - obsolete feature removed.
- "Remove Hits of Fragments without Hits of Parent Fragments" - obsolete feature removed.
- Obsolete scoring functions removed.
- Unmatched theoretical isotope patterns can now be reported in MS, MSI and MS/MS mode.
- Memory performance was improved.
- OpenMS 2.3 is now supported.
- Thermo raw files are now supported.
- mzML support improved.
- [M]+, [M]- ions added.
- Bug fixed: the number of electrons was wrong if the m/z ratio of negative ions was calculated in "Generate Full Isotope Patterns" mode.