Server for Whirlpool by Samourai-Wallet.
server.rpc-client.protocol = http = CONFIGURE-ME
server.rpc-client.port = CONFIGURE-ME
server.rpc-client.user = CONFIGURE-ME
server.rpc-client.password = CONFIGURE-ME
server.rpc-client.block-height-max-spread = 10
The bitcoin node should be running on the same network (main or test).
The node will be used to verify UTXO and broadcast tx.
Server will reject clients announcing more than block-height-max-spread block-height difference.
server.pools[x].denomination: amount in satoshis
server.pools[x].tx0MaxOutputs: max outputs per tx0
server.miner-fees.miner-fee-min: minimum miner-fee accepted for mustMix
server.miner-fees.miner-fee-max: maximum miner-fee accepted for mustMix
server.miner-fees.miner-fee-cap: "soft cap" miner-fee recommended for a new mustMix (should be <= miner-fee-max)
server.miner-fees.min-relay-fee: minimum miner-fee to accumulate for mixing
Optional pool override:
UTXO should be founded with:
for mustMix: (server.mix.denomination + server.miner-fees.miner-fee-min) to (server.mix.denomination + server.miner-fees.miner-fee-max). New TX0 outputs are capped to (server.mix.denomination + server.miner-fees.miner-fee-cap).
for liquidities: (server.mix.denomination) to (server.mix.denomination + server.mix.miner-fee-max)
server.pools[x].fee-value: server fee (in satoshis) for each tx0
server.pools[x].fee-accept: alternate fee values accepted (key=fee in sats, value=maxTx0Time)
Standard fee configuration is through fee-value. fee-accept is useful when changing fee-value, to still accept unspent tx0s <= maxTx0Time with previous fee-value.
server.register-input.min-confirmations-must-mix: minimum confirmations for mustMix inputs
server.register-input.min-confirmations-liquidity: minimum confirmations for liquidity inputs
server.register-input.confirm-interval = 10: inputs are confirmed by batch at this frequency (seconds)
server.register-input.max-inputs-same-hash: max inputs with same hash (same origin tx) allowed to register to a mix
server.register-input.max-inputs-same-user-hash: max inputs with same user-hash (same mixing client) allowed to register to a mix
server.samourai-fees.scodes[foo].payload = 12345
server.samourai-fees.scodes[foo].fee-value-percent = 50
server.samourai-fees.scodes[foo].expiration = 1569484078 # optional
server.samourai-fees.scodes[bar].payload = 23456
server.samourai-fees.scodes[bar].fee-value-percent = 0
SCodes are special codes usable to enable special rules for tx0. Each SCode is mapped to a short value payload (-32,768 to 32,767) which will be embedded into tx0's OP_RETURN as WhirlpoolFeeData.feePayload. Payload '0' is forbidden, which is mapped to WhirlpoolFeeData.feePayload=NULL. SCode overrides standard fee-value with a percent of this value. SCode can expire for tx0s confirmed after a specified time.
server.pools[x].anonymity-set = 5
server.pools[x].must-mix-min = 1
server.pools[x].liquidity-min = 1
Mix will start when anonymity-set (mustMix + liquidities) are registered.
At the beginning of the mix, only mustMix can register up, to anonymity-set - liquidity-min. Meanwhile, liquidities are placed on a waiting pool.
Liquidities are added as soon as must-mix-min are reached, up to anonymity-set inputs for the mix.
MustMixs are selected such as accumulated miner-fees >= min-relay-fee and >= must-mix-min x miner-fee-cap
Mixs are exported to a CSV file:
Activity is exported to a CSV file:
server.rpc-client.mock-tx-broadcast = false
server.test-mode = false = DISABLED
For testing purpose, server.rpc-client.mock-tx-broadcast can be enabled to mock txs instead of broadcasting it.
When enabled, server.test-mode allows client to bypass tx0 checks.
When enabled, triggers mixing failures.
java -jar target/whirlpool-server-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar --debug,/path/to/