By attributing ad revenue, app owners gain the complete view of user LTV and campaign ROI. Ad revenue is generated by displaying ads on rewarded videos, offer walls, interstitials, and banners in an app. To display ads, ad monetization network SDKs are integrated into the app. Having done so you are able to serve ads to your app users and generate ad revenue.
The AdRevenue project mediates between the ad monetization network SDK and the AppsFlyer SDK. In other words, you no longer need to send a revenue event, we will find it ourselves!
| |Application| + |Monetization network SDK| |
| |AdRevenue| |
| |AdRevenue main module| + |AdRevenue monetization network SDK mediator| |
| |AppsFlyer SDK| |
To integrate AdRevenue into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'AppsFlyer-AdRevenue'
@import AppsFlyerLib;
@import AppsFlyerAdRevenue;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Setup AppsFlyer
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setAppsFlyerDevKey:@"{dev-key}"];
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setAppleAppID:@"{apple-id}"];
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setIsDebug:YES];
// Setup AppsFlyerAdRevenue
[AppsFlyerAdRevenue start];
[[AppsFlyerAdRevenue shared] setIsDebug:YES];
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] start];
In your UIViewController, where you want to send data to AdRevenue specify following:
@import AppsFlyerAdRevenue;
Allow you send data from the impression payload to AdRevenue no matter which mediation network you use:
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dictionary[kAppsFlyerAdRevenueCountry] = @"il"
dictionary[kAppsFlyerAdRevenueAdUnit] = @"02134568"
dictionary[kAppsFlyerAdRevenueAdType] = @"Banner"
dictionary[kAppsFlyerAdRevenuePlacement] = @"place"
dictionary[kAppsFlyerAdRevenueECPMPayload] = @"encrypt"
dictionary[@"foo"] = @"testcustom"
dictionary[@"bar"] = @"testcustom2"
[[AppsFlyerAdRevenue shared] logAdRevenueWithMonetizationNetwork:@"facebook"
To integrate AdRevenue into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'AppsFlyer-AdRevenue-MoPub'
@import AppsFlyerLib;
@import AppsFlyerAdRevenue;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Setup AppsFlyer
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setAppsFlyerDevKey:@"{dev-key}"];
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setAppleAppID:@"{apple-id}"];
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setIsDebug:YES];
// Setup AppsFlyerAdRevenue
[AppsFlyerAdRevenue start];
[[AppsFlyerAdRevenue shared] setIsDebug:YES];
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] start];
In your UIViewController, where you use MoPub(Example) specify following:
@import AppsFlyerAdRevenue;
self.nativeAd.delegate = self;
self.nativeAd.delegate = [[AppsFlyerAdRevenue shared] delegate:self forProtocol:@protocol(MPNativeAdDelegate)];
let delegate = AppsFlyerAdRevenue.shared().delegate(self, for: MPInterstitialAdControllerDelegate.self) as? MPInterstitialAdControllerDelegate
interstitial.delegate = delegate;
Note: All delegates will work for apllication.
To integrate AdRevenue into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'AppsFlyer-AdRevenue-AdMob'
@import AppsFlyerLib;
@import AppsFlyerAdRevenue;
@import AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Setup Google Ads
[[GADMobileAds sharedInstance] startWithCompletionHandler:nil];
// Setup AppsFlyer
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setAppsFlyerDevKey:@"{dev-key}"];
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setAppleAppID:@"{apple-id}"];
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setIsDebug:YES];
// Setup AppsFlyerAdRevenue
[AppsFlyerAdRevenue start];
[[AppsFlyerAdRevenue shared] setIsDebug:YES];
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
[[AppsFlyerLib shared] start];
In your UIViewController, where you use AdMob add:
@import AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob;
AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob provides 1 api that replace the ad's setPaidEventHandler
. You should use AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob api and NOT the ad's api:
+ (void)setPaidEventHandlerForTarget:(id)target
adUnitId:(NSString *)adUnitId
self.bannerView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:GADAdSizeBanner;
// ...Banner configurations
[AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob setPaidEventHandlerForTarget:self.bannerView adUnitId:@"ca-app-pub-id" eventHandler:^(GADAdValue * _Nonnull value) {
// do more actions with GADAdValue
// ...Interstitial ad configurations
[AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob setPaidEventHandlerForTarget:interstitialAd adUnitId:@"ca-app-pub-id" eventHandler:^(GADAdValue * _Nonnull value) {
// do more actions with GADAdValue
- (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader didReceiveNativeAd:(GADNativeAd *)nativeAd {
// <~+~ Use this api inside didReceivedNativeAd delegate ~+~>
[AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob setPaidEventHandlerForTarget:nativeAd adUnitId:TestAdUnit eventHandler:^(GADAdValue * _Nonnull value) {
// do more actions with GADAdValue
// ....
// ...Rewarded ad configurations
self.rewardedAd = ad;
[AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob setPaidEventHandlerForTarget:[self rewardedAd] adUnitId:@"ca-app-pub-id" eventHandler:^(GADAdValue * _Nonnull value) {
// do more actions with GADAdValue
// ...App open ad configurations
self->_appOpenAd = appOpenAd;
[AppsFlyerAdRevenueAdMob setPaidEventHandlerForTarget:self->_appOpenAd adUnitId:@"ca-app-pub-id" eventHandler:^(GADAdValue * _Nonnull value) {
// do more actions with GADAdValue