- search photo using
: endpoint api/v1/search - filter photo using search params (color, orientation), e.g. api/v1/search?color=red
- supported color values are black_and_white, black, white, yellow, orange, red, purple, magenta, green, teal, and blue.
- supported orientation values are landscape, portrait, squarish
- use a web search-form to find a photo. (from your browser go to
- $
git clone https://github.com/nmakro/unsplash-api.git
Create a free account in unsplash.com to use the access and secret keys provided. Edit the docker-compose.yml with your keys.
$ docker build -t image-finder:latest .
$ docker-compose up
"message": "Click on the link provided to view a thumbnail of the photo",
"thumb_url": "http://localhost:5000/static/ojLZ1Zfghlg.jpeg"