Learn and Build with GitHub.
Universe Program
Knowing how to open pull request and commit are great first steps, but designing new workflows as your team moves to Git and GitHub is a big task.
This workshop will provide you with examples of workflows that Git and GitHub make possible and leave you with everything you need to implement the right strategies for your team.
Welcome! 👋 This is the source repository for the Design a worfkflow for your team Universe Workshop. Be sure to follow the prerequisite(s) below before coming to the workshop to get started!
- 👉 GitHub Account. If you don't already have an account with GitHub, sign up and create a new account at https://github.com/join before the workshop.
- 👉 Log in to GitHub before the workshop begins!
- Exercise 1: Using a GitHub App to enforce a workflow
- Exercise 2: Using the Checks API
- Exercise 3: Pull Request Reviews and CODEOWNERS
- Exercise 4: Exploring Webhooks