Presented by General Assembly, Neural Shunt Media, and Github Pages. Now This Is What I Call Tic-Tac-Toe 2016 is a compilation of your favorite tic-tac-toe games and features of 2016.
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Now This Is What I Call Tic-Tac-Toe 2016 features code base from HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails and code from Ben Lewis, General Assembly and referenced code notated on the bottom of this document.
A limited edition of the wireframe for this release is available on Google Drive and it showcases all of the advanced functionality available in [Google Draw] ( Project planning was done in Trello, access is currently only available to members of [the Now This Is What I Call Tic-Tac-Toe VIP fan club] ( Additional Documentation: [Original planning documentation] ( [Google duplicate of planning document] (
Rough wireframe Data structure outline - list of key features to meet requirements Initial design in HTML Design adjusted to meet mobile first vertical page layout Conversion of GA authentication interface to use locally Creation and iteration of HTML game board Build out javascript to link board and event functionality to game model Connect authentication to online game app back end Restructure game interface to connect with online game app Convert game logic and win condition checks to work with game Add game reporting from online app Add notifications for users Correct horrible problems with win checker Clean up messy messy code
For most of this project I designed features by building a quick part of a feature ==> testing ==> looking for references for working models ==> updating ==> minimizing the test components ==> expanding the feature until it was working. I heavily used logs during the build out and did a significant amount of log and error comparison to identify differences in working and broken features. A good portion of my testing and bug fixing was done with the win condition checks. This was built out by getting an array of the locations of moves, filtering them by user, retaining the index values in the filtered information, running a comparison check against valid win states, and setting the true or false win state. With the array comparison I needed to break it down into very small sections and switch between versions a number of times. In isolating an issue with returing false positives on the win state I needed to remove the true false win returns to correct an accidental loop break, confirm that there weren't any issues with the game state index array and check for the values that were being returned from the win condition array. A major issue that I discovered and resolved was a step where arraz. the checker was returning the wrong value and combining the arrba. information from the index array too early.
Authentication layout - not centered, font sizes aren't a good fit. Add additional game reporting - Add win and loss totals for games-played Sign up and sign in as a single event - sign in requires two actions for a new user. combine these into a single action Add auth check for sign out event handler - does not check for credentials, add check to clear appropriate credentials for current user.
Remove code from sign-up that causes view to change to the same view as signed-in. Add notification after sign-up to notify user to sign-in Center token markers on grid. Update to new visual design.