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Update youtube data (#139)
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MrHinsh authored Nov 21, 2024
2 parents cf58424 + 497816e commit b7deaf2
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Showing 4,247 changed files with 26,835 additions and 18,943 deletions.
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106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions .powershell/dev/Update-YoutubeChannelData.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Define variables
$apiKey = $env:google_apiKey
$channelId = "UCkYqhFNmhCzkefHsHS652hw"
$outputDir = "site\content\resources\videos\youtube"
$dataDirectory = ".\site\data"
$refreshData = $false

$maxResults = 800

# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
if (-not (Test-Path $outputDir)) {
New-Item -Path $outputDir -ItemType Directory

# Function to fetch video list from YouTube API and save a single youtube.json file
function Fetch-YoutubeVideoList {
param ()

$nextPageToken = $null
$page = 1;
$allVideosData = @()

do {
# YouTube API endpoint to get videos from a channel, including nextPageToken
$searchApiUrl = "$apiKey&part=snippet&channelId=$channelId&type=video&maxResults=$maxResults&pageToken=$nextPageToken"

# Fetch video list
$searchResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $searchApiUrl -Method Get

$allVideosData += $searchResponse.items

# Get the nextPageToken to continue fetching more videos
$nextPageToken = $searchResponse.nextPageToken
} while ($nextPageToken)

# Save all video data to a single youtube.json file
$dataFilePath = Join-Path $dataDirectory "youtube.json"
$allVideosData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Set-Content -Path $dataFilePath

Write-Host "All video data saved to youtube.json."

# Function to update data.json for a single video
function Update-YoutubeDataFile {
param (

# Create the directory named after the video ID
$videoDir = Join-Path $outputDir $videoId
if (-not (Test-Path $videoDir)) {
New-Item -Path $videoDir -ItemType Directory

# File path for data.json
$jsonFilePath = Join-Path $videoDir "data.json"
if ($videoId -eq "xo4jMxupIM0") {
Write-Host "Updating data.json for video: $videoId"
# Only update if $refreshData is true or data.json doesn't exist
if ($refreshData -or -not (Test-Path $jsonFilePath)) {
# Fetch full video details from YouTube API
$videoDetailsUrl = "$apiKey&id=$videoId&part=snippet,contentDetails"
$videoDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $videoDetailsUrl -Method Get
$videoData = $videoDetails.items[0]

if ($videoData) {
# Save updated video data to data.json
$videoData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Set-Content -Path $jsonFilePath
Write-Host "Updated data.json for video: $videoId"
else {
Write-Host "No data found for video: $videoId"
else {
Write-Host "Data for video $videoId is already up to date."

# Function to iterate through youtube.json and update data.json for each video
function Update-YoutubeDataFilesFromJson {
param ()

$dataFilePath = Join-Path $dataDirectory "youtube.json"
if (-not (Test-Path $dataFilePath)) {
Write-Host "youtube.json file not found. Please run Fetch-YoutubeVideoList first."

# Load video list from youtube.json
$allVideosData = Get-Content -Path $dataFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach ($video in $allVideosData) {
$videoId = $

# Call the function to update the data for a single video
Update-YoutubeDataFile -videoId $videoId

Write-Host "All video data files updated from youtube.json."

#Fetch-YoutubeVideoList # Call this to fetch video list and save to youtube.json
Update-YoutubeDataFilesFromJson # Call this to update data.json files from youtube.json
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions .powershell/dev/Update-YoutubeMarkdownFiles.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
# Define variables
$outputDir = "site\content\resources\videos\youtube"
$excludedTags = @("martin hinshelwood", "nkd agility") # List of tags to exclude

# Function to generate markdown content for a video
function Get-NewMarkdownContents {
param (

$videoSnippet = $videoData.snippet
$fullDescription = $videoSnippet.description
$durationISO = $videoData.contentDetails.duration

# Convert duration to seconds
$timeSpan = [System.Xml.XmlConvert]::ToTimeSpan($durationISO)
$durationInSeconds = $timeSpan.TotalSeconds

# Check if the video is a short (60 seconds or less)
$isShort = $durationInSeconds -le 60

# Get the highest resolution thumbnail
$thumbnails = $videoSnippet.thumbnails
$thumbnailUrl = $thumbnails.maxres.url
if (-not $thumbnailUrl) {
$thumbnailUrl = $thumbnails.high.url # Fallback to high resolution

# Format the title to be URL-safe and remove invalid characters
$title = $videoSnippet.title -replace '[#"]', ' ' -replace ':', ' - ' -replace '\s+', ' ' # Ensure only one space in a row
$publishedAt = Get-Date $videoSnippet.publishedAt -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
$urlSafeTitle = ($title -replace '[:\/\\*?"<>|#%.]', '-' -replace '\s+', '-').ToLower()

# Remove consecutive dashes
$urlSafeTitle = $urlSafeTitle -replace '-+', '-'

# Create the external URL for the original video
$externalUrl = "$videoId"

# Get the tags from the snippet and filter out excluded tags
$tags = @()
if ($videoSnippet.tags) {
$tags = $videoSnippet.tags | Where-Object { -not ($excludedTags -contains $_.ToLower()) }
$tagsString = $tags -join ", "

# Return the markdown content without etag and with properly formatted title
return @"
title: "$title"
date: $publishedAt
videoId: $videoId
url: /resources/videos/:slug
slug: $urlSafeTitle
canonicalUrl: $externalUrl
- /resources/videos/$videoId
# - /resources/videos/$urlSafeTitle
preview: $thumbnailUrl
duration: $durationInSeconds
isShort: $isShort
tags: [$tagsString]
filename: sitemap.xml
priority: 0.4
{{< youtube $videoId >}}
# $title
[Watch on YouTube]($externalUrl)

# Function to generate markdown files from existing data.json files
function Update-YoutubeMarkdownFiles {
param ()

# Iterate through each video folder
Get-ChildItem -Path $outputDir -Directory | ForEach-Object {
$videoDir = $_.FullName
$markdownFile = Join-Path $videoDir ""
$jsonFilePath = Join-Path $videoDir "data.json"

# Check if exists and if it contains 'canonicalUrl'
$shouldUpdate = $false
if (-not (Test-Path $markdownFile)) {
# If does not exist, we should create it
$shouldUpdate = $true
elseif ((Test-Path $markdownFile) -and (Get-Content -Path $markdownFile -Raw) -match 'canonicalUrl:') {
# If exists and contains 'canonicalUrl', we should update it
$shouldUpdate = $true
else {
Write-Host "Markdown file for video $($videoDir) has been customised. Skipping."

# Proceed to update or create the markdown file if necessary
if ($shouldUpdate -and (Test-Path $jsonFilePath)) {
# Load the video data from data.json
$videoData = Get-Content -Path $jsonFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json
$videoId = $

# Generate markdown content
$markdownContent = Get-NewMarkdownContents -videoData $videoData -videoId $videoId -excludedTags $excludedTags

# Write the markdown content to
Set-Content -Path $markdownFile -Value $markdownContent
Write-Host "Markdown created or updated for video: $($videoData.snippet.title)"

Write-Host "All markdown files processed."

Update-YoutubeMarkdownFiles # Call this to update markdown files from existing data.json files
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions .powershell/single-use/videos/AddResourceType.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Define variables
$outputDir = "site\content\resources\videos\youtube"

# Function to update the front matter with resourceTypes
function Update-ResourceTypes {
param (

# Load the existing content
$content = Get-Content -Path $markdownPath -Raw

# Extract front matter and body content
if ($content -match '(?ms)^---\s*(.*?)---\s*(.*)$') {
$frontMatterContent = $matches[1]
$bodyContent = $matches[2]

# Convert front matter content to ordered hash table
$frontMatter = ConvertFrom-Yaml $frontMatterContent -Ordered

# Check and update resourceTypes
if ($frontMatter.Contains("resourceTypes")) {
# Ensure resourceTypes is a list and add "video" only if not present
if ($frontMatter["resourceTypes"] -notcontains "video") {
$frontMatter["resourceTypes"] += "video"
else {
# Add resourceTypes as a list with "video"
$frontMatter.Add("resourceTypes", @("video"))

# Convert the updated front matter back to YAML
$updatedFrontMatter = ConvertTo-Yaml $frontMatter

# Combine updated front matter and body content
$updatedContent = "---`n$updatedFrontMatter`n---`n$bodyContent"

# Write updated content back to file
Set-Content -Path $markdownPath -Value $updatedContent
Write-Host "resourceTypes updated for file: $markdownPath"
else {
Write-Host "Failed to parse front matter for file: $markdownPath"

# Iterate through each video folder and update markdown files
Get-ChildItem -Path $outputDir -Directory | ForEach-Object {
$videoDir = $_.FullName
$markdownFile = Join-Path $videoDir ""

if (Test-Path $markdownFile) {
# Update the resourceTypes in the existing markdown file
Update-ResourceTypes -markdownPath $markdownFile
else {
Write-Host "Skipping folder: $videoDir (missing"

Write-Host "All markdown files processed."
File renamed without changes.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions .powershell/single-use/videos/updateYoutubeTagsToFrontMatter.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# Define variables
$outputDir = "site\content\resources\videos\youtube"
$excludedTags = @("martin hinshelwood", "nkd agility") # List of tags to exclude

# Function to add tags to existing markdown front matter using an ordered hash table
function Add-TagsToMarkdown {
param (

# Load the existing content
$content = Get-Content -Path $markdownPath -Raw

# Extract front matter and body content
if ($content -match '(?ms)^---\s*(.*?)---\s*(.*)$') {
$frontMatterContent = $matches[1]
$bodyContent = $matches[2]

# Convert front matter content to ordered hash table
$frontMatter = ConvertFrom-Yaml $frontMatterContent -Ordered

# Parse the tags from video data
$videoTags = @()
if ($videoData.snippet.tags) {
$videoTags = $videoData.snippet.tags | Where-Object { -not ($excludedTags -contains $_.ToLower()) }

# Add or merge tags into the front matter
if ($frontMatter.Contains("tags")) {
$existingTags = $frontMatter["tags"]
$mergedTags = ($existingTags + $videoTags) | Sort-Object -Unique
$frontMatter["tags"] = $mergedTags
else {
$frontMatter.Add("tags", $videoTags)

# Convert the updated front matter back to YAML
$updatedFrontMatter = ConvertTo-Yaml $frontMatter

# Combine updated front matter and body content
$updatedContent = "---`n$updatedFrontMatter`n---`n$bodyContent"

# Write updated content back to file
Set-Content -Path $markdownPath -Value $updatedContent
Write-Host "Tags updated for file: $markdownPath"
else {
Write-Host "Failed to parse front matter for file: $markdownPath"

# Iterate through each video folder and update tags in markdown files
Get-ChildItem -Path $outputDir -Directory | ForEach-Object {
$videoDir = $_.FullName
$markdownFile = Join-Path $videoDir ""
$jsonFilePath = Join-Path $videoDir "data.json"

if ((Test-Path $markdownFile) -and (Test-Path $jsonFilePath)) {
# Load the video data from data.json
$videoData = Get-Content -Path $jsonFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json

# Update the tags in the existing markdown file
Add-TagsToMarkdown -markdownPath $markdownFile -videoData $videoData -excludedTags $excludedTags
else {
Write-Host "Skipping folder: $videoDir (missing or data.json)"

Write-Host "All markdown files processed."

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