XML data format to represent grow recipes for plants. Designed for controlled-environment agriculture.
The XML Schema Definition file in this repository, grow-recipe.xsd
, can be used to validate recipe XML files. There are many ways to validate an XML file against a schema. There are many free XML validator web apps that can be found with a search engine. There is also a CLI tool, xmllint.
$ apt install libxml2-utils
Windows via Chocolatey
C:\ choco install xsltproc
To validate a grow recipe against the schema, run the following xmllint command in the repository root directory:
xmllint --schema grow-recipe.xsd <path to the recipe XML file>
If you make any changes to the schema, you need to verify that all examples and documentations complies to the current state of the schema. To test that all example recipe files in this repository validate against the schema, run this command:
$ find . -name "*.xml" | xargs xmllint --schema grow-recipe.xsd --noout
Documentation is stored in the docs
directory in reStructuredText format and built using Sphinx. To build the documentation, you first need to install Sphinx. To install Sphinx using pip, run:
pip install -U Sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
To build the documentation, run the following command in the repository root:
sphinx-build -b html docs docs/build
To view the built documentation, open a browser to docs/build/index.html