This library is only intended to simplify arg parsing and allow nesting of sub commands. Internally uses boost::program_options
Simplification is done by limiting the touch points to the internal library and providing more concrete option types with very opinionated defaults.
Boost program options does not inherently support nesting of commands. This Node is simply a way to chain the commands.
method | decription |
void flag(node, lkey, conf::Flag) |
register a flag option (bool) |
void number(node, lkey, conf::Number) |
register a flag option (int64_t) |
void param(node, lkey, conf::Param) |
register a flag option (string) |
void params(node, lkey, conf::Params) |
register a flag option (list of strings) |
void use(node, runner) |
register a runner which will be called when node is executed |
void sub(node, key, description, sub_impl) |
register a sub node with sub_impl defining its setup |
void run(node, argc, argv) |
start running the node |
N create_node() |
create a node. returns a proxy to allow compatibility with other methods |
This class provides a way to access the parsed options.
Content will reflect the options added to the Node
method |
bool has_value(option, lkey) const |
bool flag(option, lkey) const |
int number(option, lkey) const |
std::string param(option, lkey) const |
std::vector<std::string> params(option, lkey) const |
#include <nil/clix.hpp>
#include <iostream>
void command(nil::clix::Node& node)
// clang-format off
flag (node, "help", { .skey ='h', .msg = "show this help" });
flag (node, "spawn", { .skey ='s', .msg = "spawn" });
number(node, "thread", { .skey ='t', .msg = "number of threads" });
number(node, "job", { .skey ='j', .msg = "number of jobs" , .fallback = 1 , .implicit = 0 });
param (node, "param", { .skey ='p', .msg = "default param" , .fallback = "123" });
params(node, "mparam", { .skey ='m', .msg = "multiple params" });
// clang-format on
[](const nil::clix::Options& options)
if (options.flag("help"))
return 0;
std::cout //
<< "flag -s: " << flag(options, "spawn") << std::endl //
<< "number -t: " << number(options, "thread") << std::endl //
<< "number -j: " << number(options, "job") << std::endl //
<< "param -p: " << param(options, "param") << std::endl //
<< "params -m: " << std::endl;
if (has_value(options, "mparam")) {
for (const auto& item : params(options, "mparam"))
std::cout << " - " << item << std::endl;
return 0;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
auto root = nil::clix::create_node();
"command for 1:hello",
[](nil::clix::Node& node)
sub(node, "world", "command for 2:world", command);
"command for 3:another",
[](nil::clix::Node& node)
sub(node, "dimension", "command for 4:vector", command);
return run(root, argc, argv);
terminal$ executable hello -h
-h [ --help ] show this help
-s [ --spawn ] spawn
-t [ --thread ] [=value(=1)] (=0) number of threads
-j [ --job ] [=value(=0)] (=1) number of jobs
-p [ --param ] text (="123") default param
-m [ --mparam ] text multiple params
world command for 2:world