This is EuroLinux community-driven documentation.
We welcome your contributions to EuroLinux!
You can:
- star the repository to show your support
- contribute via a Pull Request - see How to contribute
- create requests for a particular topic via Issue Creation on GitHub
!!! info additional documentation As EuroLinux is in Open Core model there are also additional documentation for our customer that are available at EuroLinux Support Portal.
!!! info EuroLinux man Pages You can find our online Enterprise Linux Man pages server here
Documentation is organized in the following manner:
- JumpStarts - Installation guides with extras
- HowTo - How To guides on various topics
- Release Notes
We love your input! We value transparent and easy to contribute projects, that's why we choose GitHub. You can contribute to this project with:
- Proposing a new topic that should be described
- Discussing the current state of the docs
- Reporting a bug
- Submitting a fix
We Use GitHub with GitHub Flow. All changes are made through pull requests.
Pull requests are the best and well-established way to propose changes. The GitHub Flow that allows us to provide reviews and discussion about documentation/code is described in detail here.
Use our specially crafted issue templates: EuroLinux Open Docs issue from a template to contribute a topic you would like to see.
If you want to contribute with code (we keep documentation as code), do the following:
- Fork the repository and create your own branch from master.
- It would be great if you could test your changes with mkdocs (described in detail in Setup environment locally)
- Write/Apply your changes and commit to your branch.
- Create a pull request!
If you are new to Git VCS (Version Control System) or GitHub, you can visit GitHub Learning Lab, especially First Day on GitHub course. GitHub courses are free, interactive and put stress on practical aspects.
We are using mkdocs
with mkdocs-material
to build and style our
Because MkDocs is Python based, you need at least these installed to run this documentation locally:
- python3 (3.6+)
- pip
- virtualenv
First, let's create a virtualenv, so you don't bloat your system-wide python environment:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
Then activate virtualenv
. venv/bin/activate
. venv/bin/
Now you are ready to install MkDocs and other Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After it serving documentation on your host is as easy as running:
mkdocs serve
To build documentation invoke:
mkdocs build
It will build documentation and save it into site
!!! warning "Please don't include site directory in pull requests"
Because we deploy this documentation with GitHub Pages, the site
directory is not gitignored
We created simple cheat sheet for MkDocs markdown syntax with extensions enabled in this project. It can be found here.