🏠 Homepage
This is a Faster RCNN based object detection model that detects the person face mask.It can clearly detect face mask in group of people with a great ease.
# To get started with this project first create env. if you have Anaconda then create env using below command:
conda create -n [env name] python=3.6
# If you does not have Anaconda the create env using virtualenv follow below command:
pip install virtualenv
python -m [env name] env
# After creating enivornment now install all requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
python mask_detection.py
You can get dataset from kaggle
Face Mask DataYou can also create own dataset by clicking own pic with Mask and Without Mask using
create_dataset.py file
👤 Manikant Kumar
- Website: https://devil-cyber.github.io/CodingSpace/
- Twitter: @Manikan31004419
- Github: @devil-cyber
- LinkedIn: @manikant-kumar-550998192
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