Better is a library, that lets you easily request weather for any city using the API.
For type reference see typedefs file or the documentation.
import bttrwttrin
let weather: WeatherRequest = getWeather("Berlin")
import std/[options]
import bttrwttrin
let weather: WeatherRequest = getWeather("Berlin")
let today: WeatherForecast = get weather.getToday()
# This is equivalent to `weather.forecasts[0]`,
# but safer (no chance of `IndexDefect`), however
# it is your responsibility to handle `None` values!
tomorrow: Option[WeatherForecast] = weather.getTomorrow()
overmorrow: Option[WeatherForecast] = weather.getOvermorrow()
import bttrwttrin
weather: WeatherRequest = getWeather("Berlin")
current: CurrentWeather = weather.current
# Temperature (has two fields for metric (°C) and imperial (°F))
let temperature: UnitData[int] = current.temperature
echo $temperature.metric & "°C"
echo $temperature.imperial & "°F"
nimble install bttrwttrin
(not yet included in package manager)
git clone && cd bttrwttrin && nimble install