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github-wiki-action edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 2 revisions


  1. Clone Elixir templates project to your local directory.

  2. Create a new project using mix sample_project or mix new sample_project command

  3. Answer the prompt Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn] with n (not install)

  4. Change directory into sample_project using cd sample_project command

  5. Edit mix.exs file and add this line to the dependencies.

{:nimble_template, "~> 3.0", path: "~/elixir-templates", only: :dev, runtime: false}

Modify the path to locate the elixir-templates directory. For example ~/elixir-templates if inside the home directory.

  1. Then go back to the Terminal and run

mix do deps.get, deps.compile

  1. Choose which template you want to use inside your project
  • Web: mix nimble_template.gen --web
  • Live: mix nimble_template.gen --live
  • API: mix nimble_template.gen --api
  1. Answer the interactive prompt that will be displayed during the setup

Using the Makefile

  1. Clone Elixir templates project to your local directory.

  2. Generate a new Phoenix project

  • Web project: make create_phoenix_project PROJECT_DIRECTORY=sample_project OPTIONS="--no-live"
  • Live project: make create_phoenix_project PROJECT_DIRECTORY=sample_project OPTIONS=""
  • API project: make create_phoenix_project PROJECT_DIRECTORY=sample_project OPTIONS="--no-html --no-assets --no-live"
  1. Answer the prompt Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn] with n (not install)

  2. Apply the template

  • Web variant: make apply_phoenix_template PROJECT_DIRECTORY=sample_project VARIANT=web
  • Live variant: make apply_phoenix_template PROJECT_DIRECTORY=sample_project VARIANT=live
  • API variant: make apply_phoenix_template PROJECT_DIRECTORY=sample_project VARIANT=api

Table of Contents



Upgrade stack (Elixir, Erlang, Alpine, Node version)

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