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- Solutions for some coding platforms
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- Goto your desired folder and clone the repository
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mvn clean install
. - Startup IntelliJ and choose to import this project from your Explorer/Finder window.
- Start making changes/using it.
[user@machine ~] git clone
[user@machine ~] cd java-solutions
[user@machine ~/java-solutions] mvn clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ----------< com.studyalgorithms.javasolutions:java-solutions >----------
[INFO] Building java-solutions 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
... snipped
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 7.790 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-07-06T18:37:35-07:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[user@machine ~/java-solutions]
Please contribute to this repository to help it make better. Any change like new questions you want to see, code improvements, doc improvements etc. is very welcome. Just send me a pull request and I will review the request and approve it, if it looks good.
- Longest palindromic substring
- First unique character in a string
- Valid anagram strings
- HackerRank: Two Characters
- HackerRank: Two Strings
- HackerRank: Sherlock and the valid string
- LeetCode (#49): Group Anagrams
- Single non-repeating number
- Maximum sum contiguous sub-array
- HackerRank: Left Rotation
- HackerRank: Equal Stacks
- HackerRank: Missing Numbers
- HackerRank: Pairs
- HackerRank: Between Two Sets
- HackerRank: Queue Using Two Stacks
- LeetCode (#1): Two Sum
- LeetCode (#33): Search in a Rotated Sorted Array
- HackerRank: Birthday Cake Candles
- LeetCode (#442): Find all Duplicates in an Array
- Algorithmic Paradigms: Brute Force
- Algorithmic Paradigms: Divide and Conquer
- Algorithmic Paradigms: Greedy
- Algorithmic Paradigms: Dynamic Programming
- Algorithmic Paradigms: Recursion
- What is the Time Complexity of an Algorithm?
- How do you compare 2 Algorithms?
- What is the Big O notation?
- What is the Rate of Growth of an Algorithm?