A sample code showing the usage of Codeception, covering 2 types of tests
- BDD based on Gherkin text files describing the features, scenarios, user stories
- BDD based on the way Codeception executes test code where the "actor" executes "actions". From this code, Codeception can generate readable scenarios, almost suitable for the business.
The only user written files are:
- _support/MeasurementsTester.php - contains the steps implementation for the scenario written in measurements.feature
- _support/Page/BasePageObject.php - a base page object containing the base object of most pages in the site
- _support/Page/MeasurementsPageObject.php - page object containing the objects in the measurements form
- acceptance/MeasurementsFormCest.php - the other BDD type of test supported by Codeception. Code written in almost user readable style, which can be used to generate text scenarios
All other files are generated by Codeception.