first try on a configurator for openIPC for any platform
openIPC configurator by default runs on Windows and needs .NET framework. The Windows Version uses a batch file and is english only.
As this is my very first attempt of writing a GUI in python, it is also the first time creating something based on a existing programm. I hope there are a few people out there, who can help make this configurator work with LiNUX (which i am using), windows (like the existing) and of course MacOS and maybe on mobile devices, which would be awesome for everyone. Who likes to take a laptop to the field, which isn't enough for openIPC.
This software needs a hotspot function as well for mobile devices or something you can use to connect to the openIPC system...
I've used thonny for writing this entire thing, because it's fast and easy and also available for all platforms.
TODO or wanted list:
- multilanguage - is working
- device selection - kind of works
- ping device - is working => enables connect button on successful ping answer
- connect to pinged device, when ping was successful
- get/download the configuration files (list needs update: majestic.yaml/vdec/wfb/wifibroadcast/(set) more)
- upload configuration files to the devices
- automatic change corresponding configuration based on settings (change cam - automatic change vrx and vice versa)
- update/backup for sensors/vtx/vrx
- OSD config - if it's still needed (read about betaflight is implementing this - nice!)
- presets for sensors (like imx415 and imx335 and image settings)
- manual/hints system
- ...