yarn clean:dist
This will delete the dist
// start for manifest version 2
yarn start:v2
// start for manifest version 3
yarn start:v3
This mode will work in both Chrome and Firefox.
BUT, once you start using browser
you won't be able to develop in localhost. It will error out.
Note: it seems like you can make changes, but you'll have to disregard "🚨 Connection to the HMR server was lost" errors in Chrome. Parcel will handle the "reloading" for you.
💡 This builds into dist/
// build for manifest version 2
yarn build:v2
// build for manifest version 3
yarn build:v3
💡 This builds into dist/
To use manifest version 3 in firefox, you have to enable some experimental flags by going to about:config
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Phoenix Group from www.flaticon.com