A Swift package that provides a convenient wrapper around the iTunes Search API, allowing you to fetch information about your beloved applications as ApplicationDTO
objects and developer information as DeveloperDTO
- Fetch app details using its App Store ID
- Fetch app details using its bundle identifier
- Fetch other apps from the same develop using one of its app bundle identifier
- List all applications from a developer using their developer ID
- Get developer information using their developer ID
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/nicolasvergoz/DearApps.git", from: "1.0.0")
let api = DearAppsAPI()
Note: Your can initialize with a custom URLSession and Locale
// Using App Store ID
let app: ApplicationDTO = try await api.getApp(appStoreId: 1533526463)
// Using bundle identifier
let app: ApplicationDTO = try await api.getApp(bundleId: "com.example.app")
// Get other apps from the same developer using a bundle identifier
let otherApps: [ApplicationDTO] = try await api.getOtherApps(bundleId: "com.example.app")
// Get developer information
let developer: DeveloperDTO = try await api.getDeveloper(developerId: 1533526465)
// Fetch all apps from a developer
let apps: [ApplicationDTO] = try await api.getApps(developerId: 1533526465)
- iOS 14.0+ / macOS 13.0+ / tvOS 16.0+ / watchOS 9.0+
- Swift 6.0+
When using DearApps with Vapor, you'll need to extend the DTO models to conform to Vapor's protocols. Add the following extensions to your project:
import DearApps
import Vapor
extension ApplicationDTO: @retroactive AsyncResponseEncodable {}
extension ApplicationDTO: @retroactive AsyncRequestDecodable {}
extension ApplicationDTO: @retroactive ResponseEncodable {}
extension ApplicationDTO: @retroactive RequestDecodable {}
extension ApplicationDTO: @retroactive Content {}
extension DeveloperDTO: @retroactive AsyncResponseEncodable {}
extension DeveloperDTO: @retroactive AsyncRequestDecodable {}
extension DeveloperDTO: @retroactive ResponseEncodable {}
extension DeveloperDTO: @retroactive RequestDecodable {}
extension DeveloperDTO: @retroactive Content {}
This project is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.