To run the liquidator you will need:
- A Solana account with some SOL deposited to cover transaction fees
- Token accounts for each currency in the Mango Group (e.g. BTC, ETH, USDT)
- Roughly equal deposits for each token. You will need base currencies to liquidate shorts, and quote currency to liquidate longs.
- Serum Dex OpenOrders accounts associated with your account. This is required for balance wallets functionality.
- The easiest way to set these up is by placing an order on Serum Dex for each currency pair then immediately cancelling it.
Make sure to edit the .env file to look something like this:
export CLUSTER="mainnet-beta"
export CLUSTER_URL=""
export KEYPAIR=~/.config/solana/id.json
export NODE_ENV=production
export TARGETS="0.1 2"
export CHECK_INTERVAL="1000.0"
TARGETS represents the BTC and ETH amounts the partial liquidator should try to maintain in the liquidator's wallet. Any excess of that amount in the wallet will be market sold on Serum DEX.
CHECK_INTERVAL is the amount of milliseconds to wait between querying all margin accounts
yarn install
source .env
yarn partialLiquidate
Make sure to edit the .env file to look something like this:
export CLUSTER="mainnet-beta"
export CLUSTER_URL=""
export KEYPAIR=~/.config/solana/id.json
export NODE_ENV=production
yarn install
source .env
yarn liquidate