openintel-lookup provides a user interface and an API that allows querying OpenINTEL data.
OpenINTEL is a collaboration by the University of Twente, SURFnet, SIDN Labs and NLnet Labs. The project's goal is to actively query all DNS records within a number of DNS zones in order to build a high quality data series that captures the state of the DNS system over time. An in depth description of the measurements taken and the data that is available can be found on the OpenINTEL homepage.
In addition the following paper provides details on the measurement methodology:
R. van Rijswijk-Deij, M. Jonker, A. Sperotto and A. Pras, "A High-Performance, Scalable Infrastructure for Large-Scale Active DNS Measurements," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1877-1888, June 2016, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2016.2558918.
openintel-lookup provides three basic queries:
- Domains --> IPs: find the IP addresses associated with a domain name
- IPs --> Domains: find the domain names associated with an IP address
- MX SQL LIKE pattern: find IP addresses and domain names associated with an MX record pattern.
In order to use openintel-lookup you require
- an Apache hadoop database that contains the dataset you want to query (no data is provided with this repository),
- Apache impala to execute the queries,
- and a way to build and run docker containers.
The python and JavaScript dependencies can be found in app/requirements.txt and app/package.json, respectively. The openintel-lookup docker container is build on top of the tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn container.
No data is provided with this repository. The required data must be obtained from the OpenINTEL project directly.
OpenINTEL uses Apache impala to query the dataset and expects that the OpenINTEL table is partitioned by the measurement's day, month, and year. The create table statement must look like this:
default> show create table openintel.measurements;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE openintel.measurements (
query_type STRING,
query_name STRING,
-- ... other openintel columns
year STRING,
month STRING,
-- ... other table properties
The docker-compose.yml file makes building and deploying the service on your local docker installation easy.
First create a
file:cp env.example .env
Open it with your favorite editor and adjust the settings as required. Then build the service with
docker-compose build
and start it
docker-compose up -d
By default openintel-lookup is now available under http://localhost:8888 or the equivalent address if you are not running the service on your local machine.
The API documentation is available under /docs.
The benchmark folder contains a configuration for use with artillery, a load testing tool.
openintel-lookup is published under the MIT License. Please see the enclosed LICENSE for further information.
This project was partially funded by the CEF framework