This project is made by 5 students from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences to the City of Helsinki about satisfaction of educational buildings. This project was implemented by Node.js and MongoDB using Model-View-Controller (MVC) software design pattern and the server side is implemented by Heroku. GuudLyf is a survey targeted to elementary school students. In survey there is 8 questions and 5 different choices with emoji faces to answer and an open feedback in the end of the survey for comments. The survey has a school name and class that you can set up and whether you are a student or a staff. There is also an easy mode designed for first graders to help them answer the survey.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB Atlas + MongoDB Charts
- Heroku
- VSCode
- WebStorm
- Jquery
- Bootstrap 4
QR code for website
GuudLyf web application
Survey has overall 8 answers and 5 different choices to answer. User chooses answer and then press next. Reason for this is that users are able to come back and change the answer if they choose so. Here is example image from the web application.
In data visualization users can choose school and whether they are students or teachers to get the data visualization. This page is only available for admins (e.g. teachers).
The user can also leave a feedback in the end of the survey or at beginning.